Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Firdha's Wedding

Today is @mfi3r's day. A girl, Originally from Garut, born on March 16th 21 years ago, Accounting Vocation of UGM graduation, quite 'narsis', pink lover, a personnel of Trio RW06. Ok, it's getting bored. Let's check this out :
Waiting for Kiagus Yonori Eka on backstage while Akad
The accessories, I love it actually :D
Tryna make a suggestion (you know what I mean..)
After Akad, Eka did this and then whispering/saying something, I don't know what he did for sure.
Giving and accepting the dowry
Signing the marriage certificate
and showing the certificate..
'Sungkem' session
The brides
The wedding cake
Photo session wif 'the Family'
Alright, that's all. Envy? Yes, I am. Galau? A little bit -___- but, I'm not pull a long face because I believe HIM ever *\(^o^)/* so, just wait for Kakak comes to me hahahaaaaa. Ok, @mfi3r and Kiagus Yonori Eka may Allah bless you both and becomes a sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah family :D


Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Dari Adik Mingkii Untuk Kakak Taeyang

Ini hanya fiktif belaka, semata-mata hanya untuk kesenangan dan penghalau kegalauan semata. Bila ada pihak yang tersinggung bahkan kegeerean, plisss, pupuskan semua pemikiran tersebut. ENJOY! :D




An English Department Student of University of Jakarta | Ibu Tri's only one daughter | a cat freak | guitar | singing

terakhir untuk kakak, "I’m just another girl. I’m so lonely. Even though I’m by your side right now. Baby, I’m so lonely.." ~Lonely
19 Mar sakit kepala. pasti si kakak lagi muter-muter di kepala aku. hmm~
15 Mar Kakak, gocekan bola kakak tempo hari keren loh. Andai bisa gocek hati aku.. Hmm~

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Only Tweets #mencobaberkaca


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